To be effective, aerobic activities need to occur at minimum three times a week lasting about a half an hour and be of sufficient intensity to make you sweat. Before you start an activity such as hiking, you need to assess your conditioning. Look for chances to walk for some of your errands rather than driving or using public transportation. After doing this for a few weeks you should be ready for a hiking trail of a few miles.,When you first start out, wearing just a pair of good quality athletic shoes should be sufficient. Until you are carrying a fully-loaded backpack (say more than 25 lbs.) with supplies for several days or traversing a really rough rocky terrain you won’t need trail boots. Always remember to break any footwear in by wearing them around the house (just in case you need to take them back) and then take them for walks of increasing length.,Some of the things you need to invest in so that your feet don’t develop any sore spots are thick absorbent socks of anything except all cotton. Moleskin can be applied to any tender areas that occur you’re your hiking. Everyone nowadays needs to guard against dangerous UV ray exposure. Sunglasses and sun block are musts for both winter and summer days. Also, wear hats all year round. Use hats with a brim for shade in summer and another that protects the ears for cooler weather.,What is needed for a short hike that would last during one day? One of the most important things to remember for any aerobic activity is that it requires hydration. Hikers need to drink 8 oz. of water every thirty minutes before they even notice their thirst. A gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. and hikers should drink a quart (1L) of water for every two miles. A day pack can meet the needs of shorter one-day hikes having a carrying capacity of 10-12 lbs. Finish out your packing with food made from whole grains which are higher in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals providing high-energy snacks such as granola bars, trail mix, and dried fruits.,Only until you have completed successfully some shorter hikes do you want to attempt a backpacking trip requiring several days. Before investing in a backpack see if you can borrow some from friends to ascertain what would be a good fit. Make sure any backpack you look at has the following features: water resistant in all weather conditions and padded hip belts and shoulder straps.,Wherever you live you can find places of interest to so some hiking. You may not live close to the mountains, an ocean, or the prairies, but there are still places of interest in urban areas that can be explored close up through hiking. Hopefully you too will find the rewards of hiking so satisfying you’ll seek out those other places as well.